sábado, mayo 31, 2008

Luis Fortuño: Reply to Op-Ed Contributor

Luis Fortuño: 05/29 Reply to Op-Ed Contributor: 5/22 Puerto Rico's Moment in the Sun - N. Y. Timesvia Puerto Rico News on 5/29/08

Puerto Rico Rico Status - Published: May 29, 2008

To the Editor: Re "Puerto Rico's Moment in the Sun," by Michael Janeway (Op-Ed, May 22):

As the nation turns its eyes to Puerto Rico before the presidential primary, the island's relationship with the United States must be viewed through a clear lens. No one who studies this relationship can emerge untroubled. Although the Constitution and federal law are supreme in Puerto Rico, apart from a nonvoting resident commissioner in the House, Puerto Rico has no representation in the federal government that makes and enforces its laws. The United States citizens of Puerto Rico have served in every conflict this nation has fought since 1917, and the island has the second highest rate of military service of any state or territory.

It is poignant, to say the least, that Puerto Ricans "served with such devotion even while denied a vote for the president and members of Congress who determine when, where and how they are asked to defend our freedoms." So wrote President George H. W. Bush. Puerto Ricans, citizens of the greatest democracy on earth, have never had the chance to vote on whether they are satisfied with the existing arrangement in the context of a fair and orderly self-determination process sponsored by Congress.

A pending bipartisan bill would ask them to choose between continuing their current relationship with the United States, statehood and independence. I hope that Congress will summon the courage to pass this legislation.
Luis G. Fortuño Washington, May 22, 2008 The writer is Puerto Rico's resident commissioner in Congress.


[The New York Times - May 22, 2008 - Op-Ed - Puerto Rico's Moment in the Sun - By MICHAEL JANEWAY is posted on Topix around May 22.


At 3:09 p. m., Blogger Despertar said...

Un Puertorriqueño republicano es en si una ironía. Gran parte de los republicanos, especialmente el Tea Party, desprecian a latinos, negros y otras minorías. Esperar que un republicano le conceda la estadidad a Puerto Rico es una ingenuidad.

Éxito en tu blog. Yo te recomiendo ver mas allá de cualquier partido político. Cuantos años de tu vida llevas esperando que se "resuelva" el estatus político de la isla? Que ha pasado? Alguno de estos políticos ha hecho un esfuerzo REAL por cambiar la condición colonial? Mi opinión, los políticos prefieren mantener el estatus como esta y así seguir en el poder. La evidencia de esto esta justo frente a nosotros día a día. Es tiempo de despertar...


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