viernes, septiembre 29, 2006

King of the Dammed-The War of the Worlds(almost!)

Watch these photos carefully, we are close to interseccion Muñoz Rivera-Domingo Caceres inside the town of Carolina, and just too close for comfort to the Alcaldia building.

Remember the last one? For those who don't know, it is a portal to another dimension. Through this portal an army from another world came through, with the evil intention of trying to conquer the planet Earth. When they saw all this junk, one of the soldiers said to his superior officer: “Captain this place is a big pile of rubble, who would want to invade them?” ,and his commanding officer answered, “You are right soldier, I will call off the invasion”. They came, they saw, they (obviously!) thought that this place is a big wasteland and there is nothing valuable for them to justify an invasion. And that is the only thing that saved us from a war with another world.

And who should we thank for stopping this almost invasion? The mayor of Carolina,P.R.

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