viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

People-phobic, Misogynic, Xenophobic Leaders

I was wondering if this could be true or just my mistake. Our beloved leaders seem to have a strong repulse toward foreigners. They don't just repudiate America, but everything that is not from Puerto Rico, except Argentina, Cuba, and Europe (the places with royal tradition).

They love power because it makes them feel that they are kings. And it shows by the way they spend money on their clothing. I think that nobody needs a $ 3,000.00+ suit, unless you are very rich and pay it out of your pocket, or you are corrupt and steal it from your company's budget.

I don't know if this applies to all politicians, but certainly, it applies to most politicians in Puerto Rico, they love to throw away money in expensive plans that produce nothing of value. Most of their expensive plans produce lots of money for their friends. They don't tell you this, we come to know about this when power changes hands, or when politicians of minor importance fall in disfavor with the big leaders. I have never seen the big leaders go to jail.

These leaders also have a tendency to glorify and make martyrs out of terrorists who will not hesitate to kill innocent people. They make a point of naming buildings after deceased terrorists and then they call them "Noble Patriots".

Our leaders are so corrupt that I wonder how much money they are stealing right now. They are advancing in their plot to steal our job rights, and they have screwed so badly our retirement funds that you will have to work forever.

If you want independence with this kind of leadership be ready for chains, slavehood and extreme poverty, while your masters bathe in riches. If that is what you want.

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