martes, noviembre 07, 2006

Whose independence?

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men”: Abraham Lincoln: 16th U.S. president, 1809-1865

Compare the process of independence of the United States with what is happening today in Puerto Rico. When the United States was struggling for its independence from Britain, there were people who honestly believed that they would be better keeping their loyalties with the King of England and there were others who thought that separation from England was the wiser choice. These people openly voiced their thoughts and feelings and there were irreconcilable differences among those groups. It should have been that way! Both groups were on opposing extremes. They could not be independent and loyal to the King at the same time.

Come to Puerto Rico in the 21st century. Some time ago I noticed that the PPD (Partido Popular Democrático, which is not very populist or democratic, by the way) had opened its arms (read claws) to associations that are openly favoring independence, and if that were not bad enough, these people also seem to be communists Fidel Castro-style. These kind of people are very clever at recruiting imbeciles who will do the dirty job for them. They send their obedient puppets to commit violent acts against innocent citizens and to desecrate symbols and institutions that represent us.

The people who want independence for Puerto Rico have joined forces with the worst kind of terrorist there is. They are clever and unscrupulous. They assemble behind closed doors to plan the ruin of their enemies and to steal our freedom and rights. They believe in rule by force and fear.

The idea behind comparing the independence of the United States to the efforts of the groups which favor independence for Puerto Rico is simple. The process of independence for the United States was debated openly and the majority of the people favored independence. But here in Puerto Rico there are groups working behind the public's view. The groups favoring independence are working in treacherous and deceitful ways so that they can bring independence even if they are a minority, even if the people will not support them. They have been working for years to place themselves in the key positions where they can do the most harm. These people just want to steal our freedom so that they and their small group of fiends can enjoy all the benefits that a subjugated populace will bring them.
P.S. The title was initially “The Independence of the Fool”, later I changed it to “The Independence of the Traitor”, but since this independence is not for you or me, it is more fitting to ask whose independence? Who will benefit from the lies that these people feed us continually? Only the rich, and those who are close to them.

"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, and still yet if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you, and only a precarious chance for survival.
There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." : WINSTON CHURCHILL

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