sábado, noviembre 18, 2006

PPD's Republic – Come Reds #1

***fiction work, political satire***

Puerto Rico in the future of an alternate reality

I have a Dream”, so said the President...

The nightmare has begun.

PPD's Republic – Come Reds

Episode 1: Letter of Rey Agostini,fifteen years after the establishment of the Glorious Independent Republic of Puerto Rico.

Mother I write you this letter to let you know I am fine and healthy.

Yesterday the president, the Magnificent Don Alan Kran was on the radio delivering his Message to the Glorious Independent Republic of Puerto Rico. Lucky me, I was able to hear the message on the store nearest to my apartment, my radio is out of batteries, and it is so difficult to find them these days that everything is rationed. His message was not good, he said: “Brothers, sisters, fellow citizens of our Glorious Independent Republic, this day I am bearer of unhappy news, we are going to ration the gasoline, you will only be able to buy gasoline on the days allotted to you by the government, meat and coffee will be rationed too. But not everything is bad news, rejoice in the thought that bread will be available in vast amounts for all of you, each of you will be able to buy two portions per day”. Well, he does speak the truth about bread, I eat bread every day, but the ovens in the bakeries don’t work daily, fuel is scarce in the Glorious Independent Republic, so the bakers cook a big batch of bread to last three to four days and that’s what we eat most of the time. Lots of bread to eat, I love the days when it is fresh from the oven. People will wait three to four hours in line just to have freshly baked bread. Since most people cannot afford cars anymore I see no use to announcing that gasoline will be rationed. Less than fifteen percent of the population is able to afford a car.

The health services of the Glorious Independent Republic have been improving lately, I only have to wait two weeks to get the medical supplies to control my diabetes. Now don’t you worry about me, I ask for them with enough anticipation. The only thing I resent about the health services is that the cleanliness of the building is not what it used to be. The medical building Health Care Facility Pedro Albizu Campos is in worse shape than Centro Medico, its former name when we were part of the odious empire or so the President calls it.

Yesterday I was talking to your cousin David. He is a lucky guy! He is earning 10,000 albizus(100 U.S. dollars) a month! Wow! He’s got lots of money to buy whatever he wants. He bought himself a shiny new bicycle to go to his job. Now he pokes fun at those who use public transport to go to work. He deserves his good luck! He is superintendent of the Carolina District, in charge of forty-two schools. He is a really important man!

I am still working at the Office of Public Security. It is a poorly paid job. I only earn 5,100 albizus(51 U.S. dollars) a month. At least I earn more than the average worker! The Dominican Republic poses a threat to our jobs. Since these Dominicans sell themselves cheaper than Puerto Ricans, we have lost many jobs to the Dominican Republic.

Remember mom that I am in good health, with lots of bread to eat daily and meat and coffee every once in a while. I love you very much.

Best wishes,



If this letter ever reaches you, keep it in a safe place close to your heart, I had to give two months of salary to smuggle it out of Puerto Rico.

***fiction work, political satire***

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