jueves, marzo 30, 2006

Sintomas de agonia de la colonia!

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"Los sucesos de motin en el capitolio son sintomas de la agonia de la colonia".

Pedro Rossello, Presidente del Partido Nuevo Progresista y Presidente de la conferencia legislativa estadista.

miércoles, marzo 29, 2006

¡DESPIERTA BORICUA! Que los fascistas quieren convertir tu isla en otro infierno dictatorial.

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¡DESPIERTA BORICUA! Que los fascistas quieren convertir tu isla en otro infierno dictatorial.

Siguen empujando la “independencia” cuando lo que quieren es imponer la dictadura. Siguen provocando situaciones que se presten para crear confrontaciones violentas. Siguen tratando de intimidar a los que no piensan como ellos, porque no tienen argumentos con razón para convencer. En fin, siguen practicando las tácticas nazis y fascistas que desarrollaron Hitler y Mussolini.

Independentistas muestran al pueblo el futuro de la Republica de PR

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Los neo-nazis (nuevos nazis) puertorriqueños de hoy quieren esconder la historia. Ellos niegan la realidad, porque si la admiten, se desenmascaran, y se les ve la verdadera cara: la de neo-nazi.

Motin de Turbas Independentistas en Capitolio!

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Los neo-nazis se ponen muchos nombres; FUPI, Macheteros, FEPI, Círculo Hostoniano, etc. Pero si raspas la superficie, vas a encontrar a los fascistas que están viviendo debajo de ese carapacho.

Is America ready for another George?

By Eliot Peace Mar 28, 2006

Senator George Allen (R-VA), the third subject in Townhall.com’s series on potential 2008 presidential contenders, visited South Carolina this past Friday. As keynote speaker, Allen drew in the crowds to a fundraiser for Ralph Norman, Republican candidate for South Carolina’s 5th Congressional district. After his speech, Allen sat down with Townhall.com to discuss his thoughts on today’s issues and what the future holds for conservative politics. Included here are excerpts from both the speech and exclusive interview.

COLUMBIA, SC -- George Allen is a serious contender for the Republican nomination for president. A former governor, he wears cowboy boots and can often be found outside with his can of dip. Consequently, some Republicans like Allen, because he seems the most like George W. Bush—a charge Allen can’t quite understand, and frankly, rejects. "I don’t know why people say that," he said. "My two role models are Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan. Most people who know me think I’m most like Ronald Reagan." At the start of his speech, Allen proclaimed himself a "common sense, Jeffersonian conservative" and later quoted Patrick Henry. In fact, his talking points on government were so similar to Reagan’s that it seemed as if he had just read a few of the Gipper’s speeches on the way down to South Carolina.

Allen passionately emphasized his Reagenesque fiscal conservatism and Jeffersonian ideals on limited government. Most of his speech focused on lessening government and lowering the burdens placed on businesses. It is business, he said, that really drives the American economy: "Free people should be able to make free decisions."

He added, "Government doesn’t create jobs […] but government should get the field ready." In other words, government should get out of the way.

One way for government to get out of the way is to lower taxes. "Washington doesn’t have a revenue problem; Washington has a spending problem," he said. "The taxpayers are the owners of the government. That’s who we [Congress] work for."

When asked if the Senate would take up tax reform in the near future, he replied, "Nothing has been proposed as far as legislation goes. Our focus right now needs to be on extending the tax cuts: the capital gains cut, the dividend cut, and the elimination of the death tax, which sunsets in 2010." Tax cuts equate to economic growth. He added, "The tax cuts since 2001 have created 5 million new jobs in the private sector."

Allen went on to argue that Congress should view the taxpayers’ money as its own and spend it frugally, just as members would spend their own paychecks. "We need to look at things and see if it is absolutely necessary to spend the taxpayers’ money," Allen argued.

Allen not only identified the problems with the government, but he offered some innovative solutions. He suggested a federal line-item veto. "I had it as governor of Virginia, and the president should have it as well.”

Allen is also an advocate of a federal balance budget amendment. "We need a balanced budget amendment in Congress." He added, "49 states required balanced budgets, so why doesn’t the federal government?" Ultimately, he has decided, "We need to focus on what’s essential: national defense and the military […] then we need to bind down Congress with the Constitution."

Perhaps his most innovative suggestion is the "Paycheck Penalty." Congress often doesn’t pass the appropriations bills in time and adds millions of dollars worth of pork spending at the last minute. "If Congress does not pass the appropriations bill by October 1, the start of the new fiscal year, [congressmen’s] paychecks will be withheld. It’s their job; they need to get it done."
"Of course," he added laughingly, "that didn’t get a lot of support."

Allen also touched on immigration. He replied, "First and foremost, we need to secure our borders. They have been neglected." He highlighted the need for more personnel, more fences (both real and virtual), and more detention centers. "I don’t think we should reward illegal behavior […] you must punish illegal behavior, or you’ll get more illegal behavior." He also replied, "I’m not for amnesty […] I’m for immigration, but it must be legal immigration."

Of course, Allen couldn’t visit South Carolina and not field tough questions on social issues. When asked about abortion, he stated, "That should be decided by the states." He seemed to think the South Dakota ban is too strict and added, "I personally would add an exemption for rape and incest." If the Nebraska ban on partial birth abortion—which will soon be before the Supreme Court—is upheld, Allen foresees the Senate passing a ban again. "We did once, and it was held up."

Allen also defended the 2nd Amendment. "The 2nd Amendment is part of our Bill of Rights." "Law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves and their property," he stated.

Unfortunate for Allen’s presidential prospect tour, the senator has an opponent for re-election. James Webb, former Secretary of the Navy running as the opposing Democrat. However, with the right effort and the same message on which Allen has delivered for Virginia since being in Congress, he should emerge victorious. "We’ll keep doing what we’re doing. He [Webb] is very formidable, but if we work hard and keep doing what we’re doing, we should be fine."

Allen is clearly the secret presidential frontrunner in the minds of many political types in South Carolina. These political types see two spots for contenders in the Republican primary: Senator John McCain and someone else. A lot of South Carolinians think Allen is that someone else. While McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Bill Frist all have made trips to South Carolina in the past year, the consultants and strategists have all been hesitant to back anyone. Everyone is waiting for Allen to jump in.

The question remains though: is America ready for another George wearing cowboy boots?

Eliot Peace is a Townhall.com political reporter and a Project Manager for Starboard Communications, a conservative political marketing and strategy firm in Lexington, South Carolina.
Copyright © 2006 Townhall.com

domingo, marzo 26, 2006

Trujillo Alto Confraterniza con el Lic. OTERO, ALCALDE 2008

Hoy Domingo 26 de marzo de 2006, Trujillo Alto, apartir de la 1:pm confraterniza con el seguro presidente del PNP de Trujillo Alto y Seguro nuevo Alcalde Estadista de Trujillo, El Licenciado OTERO, el mejor. Despues de intentos bien intensionados en el pasado y una derrota de aproximadamente 10,000 votos, ya es tiempo para el mejor, el Licenciado OTERO. Es de gran importancia ganar este pueblo y convertirlo en la gran ciudad de Puerto Rico y asi asegurar un triunfo firme del Partido Nuevo Progresista en el municipio y al nivel Estatal. El futuro Alcalde cuenta con el apoyo de los senadores de distrito Lorna Soto y Hector Martinez asi como el prominente respaldo del presidente del precinto 107, Carolina -Trujillo Alto el gran estadista Sergio Estevez.

miércoles, marzo 22, 2006

'Security' and the economy in Afghanistan

By Jack Kemp, Mar 20, 2006 : 'Security' and the economy in Afganistan
Americans may be surprised, in contrast to conventional wisdom, to learn of the comparative peacefulness of Afghan cities when compared to other big cities around the world. The coverage on cable news of blood and guts resulting from an explosion or a shooting in Afghanistan is likely to be equivalent to that of network news or front pages across the country. Most often, commentators or pundits are responding to what others have reported. The same is true of government or academe. Violence in places like Afghanistan is magnified by a giant echo chamber.

Given all that is happening, Afghanistan is completely unsafe, right? No, wrong! Not to sound like Pollyannas, but the American people need more perspective on all this, and the 24-7 TV-driven media is not helpful. If we are getting a distorted view then what is the reality? The World Bank recently published a survey where some 400 members of the business community in five major Afghan cities were asked what their greatest problems were. Electricity, access to land, access to capital, decent roads, lack of legal structures, corruption, taxes, capable labor force. "Security" did not appear on their list of concerns until No. 14 and even then it was combined with conventional crime! These people have employees and their employees have families. Surely if personal safety were threatened, these folks would feel it.

The business community fears arbitrary actions against their property by powerful ministries, stalling and corruption and government incompetence more than they do a bullet or a bomb from the Taliban or al-Qaida. So where is the disconnect, the difference between the perception and the reality?

The answer is this. The men and women of the U.S. armed forces along with coalition troops and their fellow Afghans military and police are responsible for security. They routed the Taliban and al-Qaida after Sept. 11 and now, except in certain well known areas, the enemy is confined and on the run. Sure, they can be lethal and we are taking casualties from increased attacks but the vast majority of Afghans, let's guess 95 percent, are not exposed.

Afghans have long ago discounted such risks as being small in comparison with violence they experienced over the last 25 years.

Americans need to know that the Afghan people are concerned mainly with the same things that we are. They would like a decent job, to feed, clothe and house their families, to get ahead in this world. They fear sickness, hunger, lack of a decent education for their kids. It may come as a surprise but the Taliban and al-Qaida are low on their priority list. Economic progress in their own lives, however, is not.

If the reality on the ground is something other than what we are getting in the media, and if Afghans going about their daily lives are less affected by the threat of violence than we are, and if progress in the long-term struggle is so dependent on improving the lives of the Afghan people, then the American people have a right to ask "How are we doing on the economic, job creating, prosperity-promoting front?

How are the billions of taxpayer dollars spent in rebuilding the country affecting the social and economic progress of the people?

The answer: we are doing well considering the circumstances but not near well enough. Way too much taxpayer-funded assistance doesn't go to Afghans or end up in Afghanistan. It goes to expensive, overhead-laden, money-repatriating, ultra-security conscious U.S. and foreign contractors, foreign government, U.N. agencies and high-cost non-governmental agencies.
These entities siphon off the vast percentage of aid funds to pay expenses for personnel and programs that positively dwarf what Afghans get. In Kabul, the price of housing, driven up by foreigners, rivals the prices of Washington, D.C. The foreigners sop up the best employees paying salaries unaffordable to Afghan companies or Afghan agencies.

The U.S., by far the biggest contractor for goods and services, must lead in upgrading the capacity of Afghan companies and their employees to do the job from construction to logistics to products and services of all kinds. If the Afghan companies and their workers don't have the capacity, then we need to teach, train, mentor and invest in them in order to upgrade their performance. The current system, with exceptions, is not doing that.

One exception which could serve as a model to be copied is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' program to require that all their contractors have mentoring and training for the purpose of getting more Afghans in on the U.S. assistance dollar. They also have a pool of smaller contracts which go only to Afghan companies.

Chinese, Turkish, Indian and Pakistani companies may get a job done but their money and skills leave when they are finished. Taxes are not paid and participation in the new democracy is non-existent.

Even better yet would be to extend credit to Afghan businesses via trust, revolving, "enterprise" or Marshall Plan types of funds and build the market economy from the bottom up for a change. Use aid to provide writing, reporting and accounting to boost borrowing capacity. By assisting Afghans directly, this venue has the benefit of sidestepping a lot of the security issues. Indeed, regional economic engagement by the U.S. via a 21st century Marshall Plan from South Asia to Iraq would be of huge benefit to the region and to U.S. business, foreign policy and security aims.

Investing U.S. tax dollars destined for Afghanistan, more in Afghans and their country, and less in foreign companies and aid providers, is the way to go. And rest assured, they will work long and hard in spite of al-Qaida, the Taliban and a media which prefers bursting bombs to building bridges.

Former congressman Don Ritter and Mahmood Karzai are co-authors on this article. They are active in the Afghan International Chamber of Commerce, the primary voice for the private sector in Afghanistan. They are also investors in numerous ongoing and developing businesses in the country.

Jack Kemp is Founder and Chairman of Kemp Partners and a contributing columnist to Townhall.com.
Copyright © 2006 Copley News Service

lunes, marzo 20, 2006

Oficina Postal Llevará el Nombre de Barbosa

Fortuño Logra pronta aprobación de Proyecto en la Comisión de Reforma Gubernamental

Washington D.C.- El Comisionado Residente en Washington,Luis G. Fortuño, anunció en el día de hoy que la Comisión de Reforma Gubernamental de la Cámara de Representantes estadounidense aprobó el proyecto de ley de su autoría (HR 3440) designando el edificio del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos localizado en la Avenida Ramón R. Rodríguez en el municipio de Bayamón como el "Dr. José Celso Barbosa Post Office Building". Fortuño, quien presentó la medida para honrar la memoria del prócer puertorriqueño el día de su natalicio indicó que el proyecto podría ser considerado por el pleno de la Cámara de Representantes tan pronto como la semana que viene y que el Senado estará haciendo lo propio antes de que culmine la presente sesión Congresional." La pronta acción del Congreso en aprobar esta medida que presentamos hace apenas mes y medio es señal del reconocimiento bipartita que existe en nuestra capital Federal del legado imperecedero de este gran prócer puertorriqueño. El doctor Barbosa es sin duda alguna el padre del movimiento estadista en Puerto Rico,pero su obra, al igual que la de tantos otros próceres, trasciende el ámbito político, y debe servir de ejemplo tanto a nuestra como a futuras generaciones," concluyó Fortuño.

domingo, marzo 19, 2006

"What is disrespectful and undemocratic?"

“What is disrespectful and undemocratic?”
Commentary, Viewpoint, The San Juan Star
Wednesday, March 15,2006

Throughout its history the leadership of the Popular Democratic Party has demonstrated that they suffer from a genetically endemic malady that nullifies even the slightest possibility of their abiding by strict national constitutional concepts and definitions. This syndrome provides the PDP a false premise to blissfully ignore its dire moral predicament of knowingly predicating and subsisting on lies that become even more evident in the defense mechanisms deployed when threatened with the truth.

As in the past, consider their unfailing accusations portraying the recent White House Task Force report on Puerto Rico as “undemocratic” and disrespectful for the simple reason that it does not conform to their prolonged deceit. According to their posturing the fact that the United States will not amend the national constitution to comply with the whims of a second-rate Puerto Rican political party is deemed “undemocratic”.

Legal and legitimate solutions to our colonial condition mandate an act of mutual self-determination on the part of the Congress representing our fellow citizens in the fifty states, and we the people of Puerto Rico. It is essential to understand and admit that any changes in the status of Puerto Rico will produce lasting economic and political changes to the lives of American citizens here and in the states of the union. So it is a democratic right and obligation of the Congress to exclude options that will allow Puerto Rico attributes denied the states, or conditions which would turn the United States into a “de-facto” colony of Puerto Rico. Simply stated, the United States will not surrender the national interest to the leadership of the PDP.

What would be undemocratic and morally reprehensible would be to provide a colonial solution to resolve the problem of colonialism. Utmost respect can only be demonstrated when people are offered alternatives that are not imaginary but viable and serve to underscore the difference between our current “political Disneyland” and the dignity deserved not by some but by all Americans regardless of where they are born or live. By their attitudes and destructive criticism the PDP has proven that what is disrespectful to them is the truth.

These false accusations designed to distract attention from the real issue of colonialism allow me this opportunity to try and remind the PDP cadre proven examples of what the terms “disrespectful” or “undemocratic” are truly meant to define.

It is disrespectful and superficial to define things exclusively by their name instead of their specific and detailed characteristics. Any one can take manure and call it by another name, wrap it in the finest silk from China, spray it with the finest French perfume, and embellish it with the finest lace from Belgium, but it still remains manure. Likewise you can wrap our condition under the name of “Commonwealth” or “Estado Libre Asociado”, you can provide it with fictional attributes and you can claim it is a legitimate and legal political status and yet it remains nothing more than an American colony subject to the plenary powers of the Congress under the “Territory Clause”.

Disrespectful is also what Mr. Acevedo Vilá planed and executed during the process of the “Young Bill” gathering Puerto Ricans who live on the fringes of stateside society and parading them through the halls of Congress, badly dressed, speaking loudly, throwing garbage on the floor, etc. trying to create a false image by portraying them as typical representatives of our entire society.

It is equally disrespectful to boast that Puerto Ricans cannot speak English giving the impression that we do not have the intellectual capacity to learn, and to portray our women as wanting to have children so that they can collect more welfare money. Or that federal taxes on local cemeteries would force the removal of the remains of the loved ones of those that couldn’t pay, or that with statehood families would be forced to communicate exclusively in English even at home.

It is also demeaning and disrespectful to create expectations in party followers with promises and definitions the PDP does not dare presenting to the Congress because they privately know and acknowledge that they would never be considered or much less accepted.

How dare the masters of disrespect have the audacity to accuse others of what they have blatantly disdained? How dare they speak of democracy when it was the PDP who designed a party-state to control every aspect of the lives of the citizenry and as a result become enabled to extract or extort the people’s political loyalties?

No, Mr. Acevedo Vilá, undemocratic and disrespectful conduct is what the Popular Democratic Party has perpetrated against the self-respect and dignity of the Puerto Rican people for over fifty years and not what President Bush and the Congress propose to do! For once and for all you must be demonstrated that it is fundamentally disrespectful and undemocratic to persist in trying to portray a pervasive lie into a present reality or much less into a future way of life.

Arturo J. Guzmán

viernes, marzo 17, 2006

El PNP anuncia que se han sumado otros 21 congresistas al proyecto de Status

El comisionado residente en Washington, Luis Fortuño, anunció hoy, viernes, que otros 21 congresistas se han sumado como coautores del proyecto de estatus que presentó en el Congreso estadounidense junto al legislador José Serrano el pasado 2 de marzo. Explicó en un comunicado de prensa que con estos nuevos apoyos, son 102 los congresistas, 60 republicanos y 42 demócratas, que han respaldado el proyecto de estatus presentado por él. Entre los nuevos coautores del proyecto se encuentran los republicanos Jim Gerlach, legislador por Pennsylvania, y George Radanovich, por California, además del demócrata Peter DeFazio, por Oregón. Estos últimos dos congresistas son miembros de la Comisión de Recursos, que tiene jurisdicción sobre asuntos de Puerto Rico. También se encuentran entre los nuevos congresistas que apoyan la medida el demócrata de más alto rango y portavoz de dicho partido en la Comisión de Defensa, John Murtha, que es congresista por Pennsylvania, y el presidente del Caucus Demócrata, James Clyburn, por South Carolina, entre otros. Fortuño se mostró "complacido con el amplio apoyo bipartita que hemos recibido" y recalcó que "el apoyo demócrata a nuestro proyecto ha crecido sustancialmente desde la radicación del proyecto de Asamblea Constituyente en la cámara". "Los congresistas se han dando cuenta de que sólo el proyecto que él promueve provee para el voto directo de todos los puertorriqueños", defendió.

lunes, marzo 13, 2006

Rosselló viaja para la radicación de proyecto de status

Viaja para la radicación de proyecto de status
Por: Liz Arelis Cruz Maisonave Redactora EL VOCERO

El senador Pedro Rosselló viajó el pasado jueves a la capital federal donde esta semana espera asistir a la radicación del proyecto de status en el Senado, supo EL VOCERO. El ex Gobernador regresará este jueves, por lo que la radicación del proyecto que ya se presentó en la Cámara de Representantes deberá someterse en el cuerpo hermano entre hoy lunes y el jueves. Además, trascendió que sostendrá reuniones con varios congresistas. Rosselló había informado anteriormente que existe la posibilidad de que el proyecto que se radique en el Senado sea diferente al que se presentó en la Cámara. El que se presentó en la cámara baja federal incluye las recomendaciones del informe de status de la Casa Blanca en un solo proyecto. Ese informe recomienda la celebración de una consulta para que los puertorriqueños decidan si quieren un status colonial y no territorial. Si responden en la afirmativa, ese mismo proyecto propone una segunda consulta para que se escoja entre independencia o estadidad. La diferencia que podría tener el proyecto del Senado, había indicado Rosselló, es que esa consulta se fragmente en proyectos diferentes. Esto como cuestión estratégica para lograr su radicación en el cuerpo.

miércoles, marzo 08, 2006

“The hidden high price of colonialism”

“The hidden high price of colonialism”
Viewpoint, Commentary, The San Juan Star
Saturday, march 4, 2006

The most significant contribution of the much debated White House Task Force Report on Puerto Rico is not in making any new revelations but in reaffirming facts about our current political condition that were known from inception and fully acknowledged at the time by Luis Muñoz Marín, José Trias Monge, the top leadership of the Popular Democratic Party and their allies in Congress.

The report summarized inalienable truths contained in the historical congressional record of the early fifties while the approval of a local constitution and a cosmetic and deceitful name change for Puerto Rico were being debated. Time and time again Muñoz would testify to the fact that these changes would not change the nature of the relationship which constitutes the essence of the recently released report.

As a matter of fact, in the most politically candid of all of Muñoz admissions before the Congress, he punctuated that “if we go crazy you can always legislate” thus, clearly accepting that Congress would retain full sovereignty over Puerto Rico and that it could at anytime unilaterally change, amend or even repeal any changes being proposed including the local constitution, a fact also merely repeated by the Task Force report.

Puerto Rico has been and remains “an unincorporated territory of the United States subject to the plenary powers of the Congress under the Territory Clause. To debate otherwise is to demonstrate crass ignorance of US constitutional and statutory law and to try and adjudicate to the Congress powers that it cannot and does not possess.

Consistently, every time the nature, vulnerability, and false pretenses of the colony are revealed and as a result the possibility of statehood looms large, the inevitable reaction of the PDP is to resurrect the “boogeymen” primarily in the form of sowing the fear of taxes, takes and more taxes.

There are some in our midst and others who descend upon us with dire warnings as if we could be duped as easily as we were in the early fifties. Blinded by their arrogance they pretend Puerto Ricans do not have cable television, do not travel or live elsewhere in the nation, and are incapable of reaching their own conclusions based upon facts instead of fear and malicious misinformation.

Amongst many, we are told about New Jersey as if it was some outer galactic enclave impossible to comprehend to “mere Puerto Ricans”. We are threatened that statehood would obligate us to pay sales, property, state and countless other taxes, but they conveniently “forget” to tell us that those are the exclusive purview of local authority and not imposed or mandated by the federal government in much the same manner as under the current regime Willy Miranda Marin imposed his “Willy-tax” in Caguas.

Deceitfully, we are not told that under the current regime, particularly the middle class, has one of the highest tax burdens in the nation, and that more often than not our taxes are not invested but wasted in maintaining a governmental burocracy designed expressly to uphold the economic and political interests of the colonial oligarchy. How much do we pay in local taxes that under statehood would be borne by the budgets of the federal agencies that in addition would provide us with accountable services?

Since I wrote about it last, have you tried to figure out how much you really pay the local government monopoly for your electric power in the form of hidden subsidies in addition to what you are made to believe you are paying in your individual bill? Ditto for your water, which brings me to the subject of Puerto Rico’s multitude of hidden taxes: Ranging from the blown tires and broken shock absorbers that result from poor road maintenance, the bottled water you must consume because of unacceptable quality in public utility water, the private schools even the most humble strive to send their children because of the dismal quality of public “education”, etc., etc, etc. How much do they cost us?

Long time ago I concluded that in truth all who support the current colonial regime are nothing but segregationists trying under any subterfuge to prevent the integration of the American citizens of Puerto Rico to those in the rest of the nation. They stop at nothing and reveal their true unconscionable nature by trying to put the price of taxes on our individual and collective dignity. They have not changed much since the days of the “old South” when slave owners pressed upon their charges that if they were freed no longer could they count on a roof over their heads, regular meals and perennial employment. Are taxes the low price of Puerto Rican honor and dignity?

Yet there is something even more insulting and demeaning in their arguments. Listen not only to what they say and write but to its meaning. What they are really telling us is that Puerto Ricans are incapable of doing exactly what close to three hundred million of our fellow citizens do in fifty diverse states of the union: comply with their tax obligations and yet prosper and thrive to the point that even the most disadvantaged have a poverty level less than half of what we suffer under colonialism.

Are we going to prove that in fact we are so inferior that we allow ourselves to conform to inferiority?

Arturo J. Guzmán

sábado, marzo 04, 2006

Exito Total Marcha por la ESTADIDAD!

this is an audio post - click to play

jueves, marzo 02, 2006

El PNP presenta su medida sobre status

El PNP presenta su medida sobre status

Jueves, 2 de marzo de 2006

SAN JUAN (AP) - Con 71 congresistas republicanos y demócratas como coautores, el comisionado residente Luis Fortuño radicó hoy un proyecto de ley que recoge las recomendaciones de Casa Blanca para resolver el status de Puerto Rico.

Al presentar públicamente el proyecto, Fortuño lo catalogó como "mejor" que el radicado en febrero en el Senado federal para que el Congreso autorice la convocatoria de una Asamblea Constituyente dirigida a resolver la situación política de la Isla.

"Por qué es mejor... porque a diferencia de poner en manos de un grupo pequeño de personas (la Asamblea Constituyente) la decisión de nuestro futuro político, da al pueblo directamente la opción de escoger", sostuvo en una vídeo conferencia desde Washington.

"Por eso es que esta opción es mucho mejor y por eso es que tiene el apoyo de 67 congresistas ya de entrada", agregó.

El proyecto de Fortuño busca comprometer al Congreso estadounidense con al menos dos plebiscitos sobre el futuro político de la Isla.

La medida establece que en la primera consulta, los puertorriqueños tendrían la opción de votar "sí" o "no" a la continuación del actual status territorial, mejor conocido como Estado Libre Asociado.

Si los electores apoyan caminar hacia un status permanente no territorial, pasarían a una segunda consulta en la que escogerían entre estadidad e independencia.

La medida de Fortuño viene a hacerle frente a la iniciativa de cuatro senadores estadounidenses - dos demócratas y dos republicanos - que presentaron en febrero un proyecto de ley para reconocer el derecho de Puerto Rico a iniciar en la Isla su proceso de autodeterminación mediante una Asamblea Constituyente.

La medida senatorial señala que luego de que la Asamblea Constituyente decida una opción de status, deberá someterla al Congreso para que la apruebe.

Si el Congreso la avala, con o sin modificaciones, "la propuesta deberá ser sometida al pueblo del Estado Libre Asociado para su aprobación o rechazo en un referéndum", indica el documento. Si el electorado puertorriqueño aprueba la fórmula de status, el Congreso aprobará una resolución con los términos de la propuesta "incluidas las provisiones necesarias para implementar la propuesta".

Si el Congreso la avala, con o sin modificaciones, "la propuesta deberá ser sometida al pueblo del Estado Libre Asociado para su aprobación o rechazo en un referéndum", indica el documento.
Si el electorado puertorriqueño aprueba la fórmula de status, el Congreso aprobará una resolución con los términos de la propuesta "incluidas las provisiones necesarias para implementar la propuesta".

miércoles, marzo 01, 2006

Puntos de encuentro según distrito para el Gran Cierre de la Gran Marcha

Se ha preparado unos puntos de encuentro para el dia final (Sabado 4 deMarzo) de la Gran Marcha por el Fin de la Colonia. Divulguen la informaciona sus amigos...
Puntos de encuentro según distrito:
Distritos Carolina / Humacao
Punto de encuentro: Ave. Baldorioty de Castro, Debajo Puente Ave.Campo Rico, Carolina
Hora: 8 a.m.
Distrito Arecibo
Punto de encuentro: Frente entrada Aeropuerto LMM, altura TeodoroMoscoso
Hora: 9 a.m.
Distritos Guayama / Ponce
Punto de encuentro: Debajo del puente entrada Isla Verde
Hora: 10 a.m.
Distrito San Juan
Punto de encuentro: Baldorioty entrada Ave. Júpiter (entradaLlorens Torres)
Hora: 10 a.m
Distritos Bayamón / Mayagüez
Punto de encuentro: Puente Dos Hermanos
Hora: 11 a.m.

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